What I’m up to now, inspired by

Listening to Sadness almost exclusively.
Also a little deafheaven and Your Arms Are My Cocoon
iPod life forever
Journaling in the hammock is my one happy place
Maybe blogging makes me happy too, but nobody does that anymore
Some things in the past were better, some things in the future are better
Might finally read The Myth of Sisyphus, at least its on my kindle

Listening to black/unblack metal
Maybe its not supposed to be listened to loud
angrily thrashing about
driving in the car, weaving in and out
but listened to in a quiet yard, in a hammock, in nature
on headphones, maybe the volume a little low
never thought it’d be relaxing but I find myself
clinging to the comfort of the darkness

Listening to Trhä
Listening to Within Thy Wounds
Job interviews, yuck, my future is dim


Listening to Sadness

Hanging in the hammock

Read a short story, The Novices of Lerna

Not making any music but dreaming

Had another baby
No job, but looking. Finished school.
Listening to Starflyer 59 – Lust for Gold, REALLY good.
Listening to Unwound
Vintage travel documentaries on YouTube
Masterpieces by Ellington is a great crisp weather album
I hate politics but its fun to follow the election
Trying to get my head around math in nature, but its too much for me
This is cool

Winding down my job, polishing my resume, finishing school, waiting for my 3rd kid to be born
Listening to… weird radio stations mostly. I’ve been into
Writing, a lot.
Starting to make music again, finding joy in my norns
I keep starting books and not finishing them. Very hard to focus these days with so much going on in my life.