Seed Value for Life
The seed value in a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) is the initial input that determines the sequence of numbers the algorithm will produce. When you use the same seed value with the same PRNG, it will generate the same sequence of numbers every time. This feature is essential for ensuring reproducibility in computer simulations and other applications where consistent results are required across different runs. Essentially, the seed value acts as an anchor, ensuring that the ‘randomness’ generated by the PRNG is predictable and repeatable.
I’m not sure if life is a computer simulation or not, but it does seem to have some sort of deterministic algorithm that decides nearly every aspect of our lives. For instance, when a life is created, the genetics of the parents combine and algorithmically generate the genetics of the new life.
Through a lot of trial and error I was able to find a way to inject a seed value into my life, which allows me to switch lifetimes with relative ease, while always being able to return to my initial life, as long as I have the seed. Exploring new lives is interesting, and can be full of surprises. There’s no way to choose which life to jump into, since the seed (as far as I can tell) is a random string. So it’s trial and error to find lives I would want to revisit. A lot of trial and error. I’m using this page to document some interesting lives I’ve found along with their seeds. This is a work in progress and will probably have some pretty disjointed notes.
Seed: cb710c14073d11896fa07d45785c9ef015a753ab59206081b979be01f29fc81c
This is a high school student name Emil Møller at Ordrup Gymnasium in Charlottenlund, Denmark outside of Copenhagen. He stays with his Aunt while in school since she lives in Charlottenlund. He enjoys hanging out at Heimdalsgade22.