Honing In

I’ve been paring down my guitar pedalboard. I want less. I want to do what I need to do still, but endless options are dragging me down. I’ve got my pedalboard down to the most spare I’ve had it in years. It’s been nice, I’ve been having more fun playing than I have in years….

Weekly Update

This week has had some ups and downs. I went to the guitar store by myself, which is a rare thing. I played a ton of guitars. I’m finding lately I’m paying attention more to details, in everything in life. It’s very nice, life is richer, brighter, colors more vivid. It being spring helps! Anyways,…

Weekly Update

I love incense. I used to burn it a lot as a teenager but haven’t since. I was outside one day last summer and smelled incense coming out of someone’s bedroom window and it took me back. I went to the health food store and did some smelling of their extensive incense collection. They had…

Weekly Update

I got an arcade stick this week for playing Shoot Em Ups! It’s super fun to play, and I think it’s increasing my skill a little. I’ve been having a good time putting on Gyruss in MAME with unlimited lives and listening to music. It’s just a nice vibe. I’m starting to think I prefer…